Hire our reliable contractors

Geranios has completed a broad range of construction projects that have included building construction, high-voltage power transformer foundations, excavation, landscaping, utilities, structural concrete, asphalt concrete installation and demolition of structures. Our specialties include site work, utility installation, excavation, specialty steel fabrication & erection, High Temperature Hot water systems, fuel and Energy Systems, and mining. We have completed these projects under the strictest specifications and with constant inspection by the federal, state, and local government, and its agents.

With more than 30 years of experience in construction, our executive team has the knowledge to deliver projects on time and within your budget. We also have in-house professional engineers who identify potential pitfalls, make real-time corrections, and keep the construction process as efficient and timely as possible.

Truck construction-site
Dream house

Our reputation is built on solid ground.

Contact us today for all your construction needs! We believe that no job is too big or small. Every individual and business owner deserves a great contractor that helps them reach their goals and objectives.

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